- US Equities - 21.6%
- Global Equities - 16.9%
- International Equities - 13.2%
- Fixed Income - 23.9%
- Private Equity - 7.5%
- Real Estate - 6.3%
- Hedge Funds - 2.3%
- Real Return - 1.2%
- Commodities - 0.4%
- Cash/Other - 4.4%
The target allocation for the same year was as follows:
- US Equities - 15.7%
- Global Equities - 23.6%
- International Equities - 9.7%
- Fixed Income - 25.2%
- Private Equity - 7.3%
- Real Estate - 7.6%
- Hedge Funds - 2.8%
- Real Return - 1.6%
- Commodities - 0.6%
- Cash/Other - 2.9%
The weighted average asset allocation 2007 is as follows:
- US Equities - 36.5%
- Global Equities - 6.0%
- International Equities - 17.4%
- Fixed Income - 25.3%
- Private Equity - 5.2%
- Real Estate - 5.7%
- Hedge Funds - 0.9%
- Commodities - 0.2%
- Cash/Other - 2.8%
The biggest losers from 2007 to 2011 were US and International Equities. Global Equities, Private Equity, Real Estate, Hedge Funds, Real Return and Commodities were net gainers. Based on the target allocations, we can expect more investment in Global Equities, Real Estate, Hedge Funds, Real Return and Commodities.
The source for this article can be accessed here.
The source for this article can be accessed here.
Good information! In my opinion, is critical to success of system. Just read a white paper http://bit.ly/PHnSmZ