In prior posts, we have gone over what happens at industry conferences. The process of allocating meetings to investors such as mutual funds, hedge funds, pension plans, etc. was reviewed. There is another client at the meeting - the corporate representative. This can be a high level manager at the company such as the CEO, Chairman, President or CFO or the Vice President of Investor Relations. The investment bank asks the buy side who they want to meet. During the scheduling portion of the conference set-up, this list is previewed by the corporate. At this time, the corporate may edit the list. This could be as follows:
- I want to see these 3 investors because they are long term holders of my company
- I do not want to see this investor because they are traders of my stock
- I need to see this investor because they hold 5% of my company
The corporate access team at the investment banks are always balancing the needs of the buy side with the needs of the corporates. They have to handle 2 different sets of customers.
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